What is General Assessment Tax?
- General Assessment Tax is the tax imposed on rated holdings such as :- Residential Buildings
- Buildings used for Trade and Commerce such as Shops, Shophouses, Shop Offices, Business Centres, Hotels and Workshop, Petrol Stations and Cinemas.
- Industrial Buildings such as Factories, Warehouses, Plants, Depots, Substations and etc.
- Vacant Land such as Building, Agriculture, Industrial and Business which is located in Rompin District Council's area
Is there a charge for placing banners within a privately owned building?
- Yes. Permits or approvals from MDR must be obtained for banners placed on privete buildings for the burpose of business. -
When will payments for rentals of halls or equipment need to be paid?
- Payment must be made at least 2 weeks before the event. -
How long does it take for approvals for rentals of halls or equipment to be issued?
- Approvals will be given immediately as soon as all conditions are met. -
What is the difference between District Council or Municipal Council and Local Authority (PBT)?
- Local Authorities in this country are divided into three categories as follows :1. City Council/City Hall 2. Municipal Council 3. District Council
- City Council/ Hall is actually a Municipal Council which has been upgraded once the town attains the status of ’city’ after fulfilling certain criteria. These criteria are having a local population of more than 1,000,000 and an annual gross product exceeding RM 20 million.
- Municipal Councils focus mainly on urban areas as opposed to District Councils, and have a higher population and higher gross annual product, than District Councils. The criteria for Municipal Councils are a population of more than 100,000 and a gross annual product of RM 5million.
- The criteria for District Councils are a population of less than 100,000 and a gross annual product of less than RM 5million. District Councils are also more rural-based.
What are the colour of recycling bins?
- The colour of recycling bins are as follow:- Blue – for paper
- Orange – for aluminum & steel cans and plastic
- Brown – for glass